Dr. Jose Luis Eguia has been a game developer since 2009, focusing on serious games.  He also teaches at Technical University of Catalonia in three major areas:  1) Graphic design, 2) User centered design 3) Project Management.

Key Business Accomplishments:

  • Co-founder and CEO of Digital Work Force S.L. a new media company, Barcelona, Spain
  • Game director in the serious game collection Personatges en Joc— a group of serious games developed for primary students and financed by the Ministry of Universities and Research for the government of Catalonia
  • Researcher in the project “Serious Games for the Entertainment of Cardiac Surgery”
  • Co-author of 3 published books: Multiplayer Games: the Power of Networks in Entertainment (Editorial UOC, 2014); Et in Arcadia (East & West Publishing, 2012) and 7 Cross-Sectional Visions of Design (UVic-UDL, 2011)
  • Member of various scientific committees, international conferences in Games.
  • Member of the Digital Games Research Association (DIGRA)
  • Professor at Technical University of Catalonia
  • Professor at UPC Foundation in the field of multimedia
  • Professor in the field of Interactive Communication at the University of Vic
  • Member on Computer Engineering Research Group (GIE-UPC) at the Technical University of Catalonia
  • Published numerous articles in academic journals and international conferences on new information technologies and communication
  • Ph.D. in Interactive communication