Stefan Doering has been innovating in environmental business and sustainability since 1987.  He also teaches and coaches green businesses in three major areas:  1) innovating powerful green business models, 2) crafting and implementing marketing and positioning strategies for bringing green to mainstream, and 3) creating a consistently profitable and sustainable business.

Key Business Sustainability Accomplishments:

  • Developed green intrapreneurship strategy for General Motors, later included in GM’s final bailout plan presented to Congress in December, 2008
  • Business coaching a variety of businesses with programs having reached 4,000 business innovators in 13 countries
  • Taught landmark courses on green entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship at Columbia University’s Center for Environmental Research and Conservation
  • Taught courses for small businesses at the Industrial and Technology Assistance Corporation (ITAC), a leading non-profit in NYC for small business development
  • Professor at Minnesota College of Art and Design, having taught Eco Design and Green Marketing
  • Certified Entrepreneur In Residence for New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) for clean technology companies
  • Certified facilitator and “green” advisor for the Kauffman Foundation, the world’s largest non-profit entrepreneurial training organization
  • Official Mentor and Sounding Board member for the Eugene Lang Entrepreneurship Center at Columbia University’s Business School
  • Pioneered green retailing, growing it to one of the largest green retail companies in the US, selling over 3,500 different products screening for their environmental impact
  • Guest speaker / panelist on topics ranging from how to start a green company to Corporate Sustainability to “greening” the music industry
  • Advisor and/or presenter at NYU/PolyTech’s ACRE, Green Spaces, Green Drinks NYC and Pratt Institute’s green incubators in New York City
  • Co-founder of Manhattan Chamber of Commerce’s Green Finance Subcommittee
  • In mid-90’s Director of the Board for the Brooklyn Center for the Urban Environment (BCUE), a large urban environmental education non-profit
  • In 1990, co-founded the first council for sustainable businesses in New York City
  • In 1986 launched One Earth, an environmental education non-profit for early adoption of intensive recycling programs in NYC