Bill Sosinsky has been a passionate leader of sustainability in education and business since the early 1970s.

Additionally, he left Wall Street and 11 years ago started building an online platform in Sustainability, Energime University.

Key Business Accomplishments:

  • Founder of Energime University for sustainable industries
  • Member of the United Nations Academic Impact
  • Taught at the Henry George School of Economics
  • Authored “The World We Leave Our Children” as well as many articles on the subjects of resource management and the environment.
  • Former Op Ed for EcoSeed writing articles on Integrated Sustainable Design, Green Investment, Sustainable Economics, Advanced Food Production, Global Agricultural Trends, and Advanced Waste Management.
  • Member on the Lifeboat Foundation Sustainability Board
  • Member of the African Sustainable Development Council
  • Contributor of energy conservation and advanced retrofitting for real estate periodicals and for the DOE executive newsletter.
  • First graduating class for gifted students at Stuyvesant High School for math and science.
  • BBA from SUNY Binghamton School of Business
  • MBA from NYU Graduate School